How to Balance Productivity and Rest

Self-care and rest is what we all strive for, right? But when work, stress and unexpected events take place, we can often feel out-of-control.

Self-care and rest is what we all strive for, right? But when work, stress and unexpected events take place, we can often feel out-of-control. In this post, we aim to help you grow a healthy mindset, start including more self-care practices in your daily routine, and learn efficient time management to remain productive, but on your terms. So what are you waiting for, we are in the pursuit of self-care and rehabilitation so join us!

Flashback to quarantine, we often found ourselves working from home and not being able to switch off. We don’t know about you, but we just kept giving ourselves excuses to not reach our fullest potential. Now the world is returning to normal again, it’s hard to break the cycle. Step one is to create boundaries. Set yourself specific times to ‘escape’. For example, hitting the yoga studio or gym to become more mindful with what's happening with your body. Visit your local pool and swim till your heart's content. Or just catch up with an old friend! You're already having your morning coffee or chai tea, right? Why not reconnect with the people that care about you the most and vent any stress that may be pent up. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ve got worries they need to vent too.

Our favorite way to care about our minds and soul is to create a ritual; a bookmark to start and end the day. Not only is this a great way to track your mood, it's productive and is a fun way to look back in years to come. 

You might be reading this and thinking… ‘WHAT! I am not put together or have time for all that’ and to that we say embrace the mess. It’s easier said than done but resistance is a life-saver. When you allow changes to appear in your life, you are more prepared to handle them. Overthinking is the recipe for anxiety. So give yourself grace and put yourself first. Whether that means you go take two hours to get your nails done, watch that film you’ve been dying to see or just take that well needed nap. We support it!

Finally, when you are self-caring, really feel it. You may be rushing it but booking yourself some time in can really help. You’re probably in that rushed mindset, it's automatic to not slow down. Breathe and truly notice how it feels. Reflect, be grateful and revel in it.