10 Ways To Take Better Selfies With the New iPhone 14

In this guide, we’re going to tell you how to make the most out of your new spur-of-the-moment purchase or even tell you if it’s worth getting at all!

With the most impressive dual camera system, the new iPhone is going to be amazing at taking some serious holiday shots, or some more low-key (but looks high-key) selfies. In this guide, we’re going to tell you how to make the most out of your new spur-of-the-moment purchase or even tell you if it’s worth getting at all! So what are you waiting for? Ready to make some professional content for your socials that will get all of your followers asking “how did she do that?” Yeah us too!

1. Get a tripod
If you want to take professional-looking photos, you're going to need to invest in a tripod. The new iPhone 14 camera has image stabilization, but it's not going to be enough to completely eliminate all camera shake. A tripod will help to keep your camera still and allow you to take sharp, clear photos.

2. Use the timer function
The timer function on the new iPhone 14 camera is incredibly useful if you want to take professional-looking photos. You can set the timer for 2 seconds or 10 seconds, and it will take the photo for you. This is great if you want to take a photo of yourself or if you're taking a group photo and don't want anyone to have their eyes closed.

3. Use portrait mode
Portrait mode is a great way to take professional-looking photos with the new iPhone 14 camera. This mode uses the dual cameras on the back of the phone to create a shallow depth of field, which makes your subject stand out from the background.

4. Use landscape mode
Landscape mode is perfect for taking photos of scenery or large groups of people. The new iPhone 14 camera has an improved sensor that allows for more light and detail to be captured in your photo.

5. Use panorama mode
Panorama mode is perfect for capturing wide shots, such as landscapes or cityscapes. The new iPhone 14 camera stitches together multiple images to create one large photo.

6. Use HDR mode
HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode is great for taking photos in low light or when there is a lot of contrast in your scene. The new iPhone 14 camera automatically combines multiple exposures to create one well-exposed photo.

7. Use burst mode
Burst mode is perfect for taking action shots or photos of moving objects. The new iPhone 14 camera takes 10 photos per second, so you're sure to capture the perfect shot.

8. Use filters
The new iPhone 14 camera comes with a variety of built-in filters that you can use to change the look of your photos. If you want to add a beachy look or make your colors pop, filters are a great way to do it.

9. Edit your photos
After you've taken your photo, don't forget to edit it! The new iPhone 14 camera comes with some great editing tools that will help you make your photos look even better. You can crop, rotate, adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of your photos with just a few taps.

10. Share your photos!
Once you've taken and edited your photo, it's time to share it with the world! The new iPhone 14 camera makes it easy to share your photos with your friends and family via social media or email.